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Weight Loss

Custom Weight Loss Protocols

Embrace Your weight

Research tells us that weight loss is not a simple matter of “calories in, calories out”. Your weight is a balancing act, but the equation is simple: If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories and burn more calories through physical activity, you lose weight. Our holistic approach looks at a variety of factors that contribute to weight gain/loss and develops a customized protocol to help ensure success.
Fit Couple Running | Proactive Wellness NP

Proactive Wellness NP

Weight Loss Protocols

Follow Up:

Lipotropic Fat Burning Injections:

Lipotropic Fat Burning Injections: There are a variety of lipotropic injections used to eliminate excess body fat. Types of lipotropic injections include methionine, inositol, and choline. These injections help your body use up stored fat as energy and provide detoxification of your liver.
B12 injection: Vitamin B12 to increase your energy and speed up your metabolism. * Fat Burner, and Metabolic Accelerator are sold separately

In Your Wellness Journey,
We Journey Together!

In Your Wellness Journey,
We Journey Together!

In Your Wellness Journey, We Journey Together!

Call us today to request an appointment or speak to our friendly, discreet, and professionally trained staff.

Call us today to request an appointment or speak to
our friendly, discreet, and professionally trained staff.